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Marta Balzi

Marta Balzi completed with distinction her Master’s degree in Modern Philology (2015) at the University of Padua, and she is now a doctoral student at the University of Bristol (UK). Her PhD project, ‘Transforming the Classics: Ovid’s Metamorphoses in its readers in the Italian Renaissance’, addresses the production and reception of three Italian translations of Ovid’s Metamorphoses written and printed in the sixteenth century. Marta is the organiser of the international conference ‘Ovid Across Europe: Vernacular Translations of the Metamorphoses in the Middle Ages & Renaissance’, which took place in Bristol on the 28th and 29th of September 2017, and of the SIS PG conference ‘Cross-cultural Encounters’, which took place on the 24th of November 2017. She is the postgraduate representative of the Society for Italian Studies, and of the Bristol based Centre for Material Texts. She is also content editor of the SWW DTP funded journal ‘Question’.

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